The PowerLife Prosperity Challenge

The endless abundance of this world is yours!

It's literally everywhere you look. But...

Getting in the slipstream of that abundance and riding that wave is the part most people struggle with.

Because prosperity is not abundance. Prosperity is the mechanism you create to intercept the abundance flowing all around and through you all of the time!

Look at every single person who has dreams, good intentions, visions, and desires and you’ll see a bunch of words and feelings but no actual way to bring those things to LIFE!


Those feelings eventually end up fading away over time and you start to slowly die inside, along with your dreams.

WTF? NO! We DO NOT have to live like that.

What? You’re too old? You don’t have support? You don’t have the resources? The time? The energy?

Whatever your excuse is, it’s total bullshit!

That’s like saying you need to smoke a cigarette to curb the cravings when you quit smoking. NO! It’s the cigarette that is CAUSING the pain, not stopping it.

Much the same as your lack of living in abundance because you don’t have a prosperity mechanism is causing your life force to fade away.

We’re going to bring your life back to life!

There are people in every age bracket living a vibrant, rich, meaningful, and fulfilling life!

Excuses don’t get admission with your registration. We’re going to replace the excuses with solutions.

In the Prosperity Challenge I'm going to:

- Get you clarity on a target: Have you ever felt frustrated because you feel your power, you know it's there, but it feels so diluted and watered down it feels like you're trying to smash down a wall with a feather? In the 30+ years I've been doing this work, one thing has become 100% certain to me. People with a target, move towards it. People without one? Well, they spin in circles drilling themselves deeper and deeper into the abyss of confusion, darkness, dissatisfaction with life, fear, and lots of f'ing unnecessary pain!

So we absolutely MUST have that piece covered or everything else you learn and do, from me or anyone else, is useless, powerless drivel that just keeps you in n endless loop of a dopamine addiction! Nope! Not gonna support that AT ALL! You MUST have a target. And don't worry if you don't know what that is. Most people don't. And I'll help you create it in this challenge. In fact, that's your first challenge! Choose a target!

I can get you a little head start here. 98% of the time it's about money, health, or love to start with. It doesn't matter what it is, it ONLY matters that it matters to you!

- Prove abundance: So that ANY particle of doubt in your mind that limits the idea of abundance is vaporized. So that, you KNOW there is far more than you could ever experience in a million lifetimes.

- Create a customized plan: of simple actions that build your prosperity mechanism more and more every day.

This is how it's gonna work:

I've set it up to "pay what you want or can".

The minimum is $50 for two reasons.

1. No one does a damn thing with free shit! And we need to get more people back in touch with their power!
2. You need to have access to the training system and I have to pay processing fees.

When you've completed the training, you'll have a custom plan tailored to your and your life to get more of what you want in your life.

Even better... You'll have more clarity on what you actually want! Not the tainted and skewed ideas that have been pounded into your head of what you "should" be, do, or have.

I'll see you in there or I won't.

But for those of you I do see, I'm looking forward to seeing you! Because I believe you can imagine the same world I do...

UPDATE: I added an Focus Enhancment meditation to your library to help you strengthen one of your greatest super powers you have!

Your ability, (or for most people lack of ability because our on demand instant everything world has fucked peoples systems up BAD) to maintain focus long enough to reshape the energy that creates reality!

Focus amplifies the creation power and process exponentially!

SO HELL YES! I added that tool to the mix because there is no way you're getting out of here without WINNING!




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